Monday, May 14, 2007

A graduation gripe

Today I'm on a rant...
I understand that Cuba school's started nearly a month late because of construction–that's acceptable.
What I can't understand is why the school is wanting to have graduation on Memorial Day weekend. Granted the weekend is actually a time set aside for us to remember those fallen in combat and veterans who have defended our freedoms.
The problem with that is that the majority of the American public or Cuba's public for that matter doesn't observe the whole veteran thing–not that I'm discounting it because I'm a military brat.
So the school in its infinite wisdom decides to have graduation on the Saturday of Memorial Day at 7 p.m of all times. I could understand maybe if it were earlier in the day, but not at 7 p.m. Most people want to be gone. Floating down the river, sitting around a campfire, tossing a lure in their favorite fishing hole, visiting relatives and getting away from home.
I've heard the argument that 'they' decided to have it at night because the gymnasium was so hot during the day. I can understand that, but hey newsflash....the school has a football stadium complete with bleachers and a public address system. Novel idea, huh?
I'd like to think I came up with that all by myself, but unfortunately I didn't. Schools have been doing that for years. As a matter of fact it wasn't that long ago that I walked across the stage and received a diploma–all outside.
I also recognize the importance of graduation, but I also recognize the importance of family time. Which could be doubled if the school would have re-evaluated the situation and maybe had graduation a week later or maybe even a week earlier, or hey maybe even on Friday night.
But now that I've got that off my chest, hopefully I'll survive and make it to graduation and provide everyone with great photos.


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