Rob's Blog

Monday, July 30, 2007

Keep our (now former) reporter in your prayers

When you read this week’s paper, you’ll see we had to write a story about one of our own staff members. Our reporter, Angela Fodge, was allegedly assaulted by her husband on Friday and wound up in the hospital with multiple stab wounds.
Angie put in her final day for Three Rivers Publishing on Wednesday. She is moving back to the Sikeston area so she can be closer to another daughter she has there.
On early Friday morning, she was taking her husband to Voss Truck Port to drop him off at his tractor-trailer as he was headed out on the road again. (Please see the story for the full details.) On the drive, he allegedly attacked her and stabber her several times with a pocketknife. He then drove her to the hospital and turned himself in to police. As of this writing, he remains in the Crawford County Jail.
Angie sustained several stab wounds, but none were considered to be extremely serious. She was briefly in intensive care at the Sullivan hospital, but she was able to leave the facility on Saturday morning and has already traveled to Sikeston.
We hope that you will keep Angie in your prayers as she recovers from her injuries and as she returns to southeast Missouri to be with her family. She was a fine employee for the Cuba Free Press and Steelville Star-Crawford Mirror and we appreciate the time she spent with us. We wish her nothing but the best of luck.